If the @R05156@, \(\nu\), is expressible in the form: \[\nu = (k_{0}+\sum _{\begin{array}{c}
\end{array}}k_{i}\ [C_{i}]^{n_{i}})\ [A]^{\alpha }\ [B]^{\beta }\ ...\] where A, B, ... are @R05163@ and \(C_{i}\) represents one of a set of catalysts, then the proportionality factor \(k_{i}\) is the catalytic @C01124@ of the particular @C00876@ \(C_{i}\). Normally the partial @O04322@ \(n_{i}\) with respect to a @C00876@ is unity, so that \(k_{i}\) is an \(\left ( \mathit{\alpha } + \mathit{\beta } + ... + 1 \right )\)th order @R05137@. The proportionality factor \(k_{0}\) is the \(\left ( \mathit{\alpha } + \mathit{\beta } + ...\right )\)th order @R05137@ of the uncatalysed component of the total reaction. For example, if there is @C00874@ by hydrogen and hydroxide ions, and the @O04322@ can be expressed in the form: \[k = k_{0}+k_{\text{H}^{+}}\ [\text{H}^{+}]+k_{\text{OH}^{-}}\ [\text{OH}^{-}]\] then \(k_{H^{+}}\) and \(k_{\text{OH}^{-}}\) are the catalytic coefficients for H+ and OH−, respectively. The constant \(k_{0}\) relates to the uncatalysed reaction.