A regioselective reaction is one in which one direction of bond making or breaking occurs preferentially over all other possible directions. Reactions are termed completely (100%) regioselective if the discrimination is complete, or partially (x%), if the product of reaction at one site predominates over the product of reaction at other sites. The discrimination may also semi-quantitatively be referred to as high or low regioselectivity. (Originally the term was restricted to @A00133@ reactions of unsymmetrical reagents to unsymmetrical @A00224@.) In the past, the term 'regiospecificity' was proposed for 100% regioselectivity. This terminology is not recommended owing to inconsistency with the terms @S05991@ and @S05994@.
PAC, 1994, 66, 1077. (Glossary of terms used in physical organic chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 1994)) on page 1160 [Terms] [Paper]