
Also contains definition of: forward scattering
@S05487-1@ of radiation in a generally backward direction. In the @A00470@ of @R05092@, it applies to the @S05487-2@ of radiation into the @R05054@ from any material except the sample and the detector. In @L03525@, it is said to occur when the @S05488@, \(\theta \), is \(180^{\unicode{x26ac}}\). Conversely, forward scattering occurs when \(\theta \) is \(0^{\unicode{x26ac}}\).
Orange Book, 2nd ed., p. 213 [Terms] [Book]
PAC, 1983, 55, 931. (Definitions, terminology and symbols in colloid and surface chemistry. Part 1.14: Light scattering (Provisional)) on page 932 [Terms] [Paper]