- In the traditional sense, 'having a chemistry typified by benzene'.
- A cyclically @C01267@ with a stability (due to @D01583@) significantly greater than that of a hypothetical localized structure (e.g. @K03373@) is said to possess aromatic character. If the structure is of higher energy (less @S05900@) than such a hypothetical classical structure, the molecular entity is 'antiaromatic'. The most widely used method for determining @A00442@ is the observation of diatropicity in the 1HNMR spectrum.See also: Hückel (4n + 2) rule, Möbius aromaticity
- The terms aromatic and antiaromatic have been extended to describe the stabilization or destabilization of @T06468@ of @P04491@. The hypothetical reference structure is here less clearly defined, and use of the term is based on application of the @H02867@ and on consideration of the topology of orbital overlap in the @T06468@. Reactions of molecules in the @G02704@ involving antiaromatic transition states proceed, if at all, much less easily than those involving aromatic transition states.