separation number, \(\text{SN}\) 

in chromatography
This expresses the number of peaks which can be resolved in a given part of the @C01071@ between the peaks of two consecutive n-@A00222@ with \(z\) and (\(z+1\)) carbon atoms in their molecules: \[\text{SN} = \frac{t_{\text{R}\left(z\,+\,1\right)}- t_{\text{R}z}}{w_{\text{h}z}\,+\,w_{\text{h}\left(z+1\right)}} - 1\] In the German literature the symbol \(\text{TZ}\) (trennzahl) is commonly used to express the separation number. As the separation number depends on the n-@A00222@ used for the calculation, they always must be specified with any given \(\text{SN}\) value.
PAC, 1993, 65, 819. (Nomenclature for chromatography (IUPAC Recommendations 1993)) on page 847 [Terms] [Paper]