peak current
In linear-sweep voltammetry, triangular-wave voltammetry, cyclic triangular-wave voltammetry, and similar techniques, the maximum value of the @F02321@ due to the reduction or @O04362@ of a substance B during a single sweep. This maximum value is attained after an interval during which the concentration of B at the electrode-solution @I03082@ decreases monotonically, while the @F02321@ due to the reduction or @O04362@ of B increases monotonically, with time. It is attained before an interval during which this current decreases monotonically with time because the rate of transport of B toward the electrode-solution @I03082@ is smaller than the rate at which it is removed from the @I03082@ by electrolysis. The term has also been used to denote the maximum value of the @F02321@ attributable to the reduction or @O04362@ of an @E01940@ in techniques such as ac @P04716@, differential pulse @P04716@, and derivative @P04716@. However, these techniques give curves that arise in ways different from that cited above, and the terms summit, @S06132@, and @S06133@ are therefore recommended for use in connection with such techniques.
See also: apex current
Orange Book, 2nd ed., p. 56 [Terms] [Book]
PAC, 1985, 57, 1491. (Recommended terms, symbols, and definitions for electroanalytical chemistry (Recommendations 1985)) on page 1498 [Terms] [Paper]