A quantitative term to describe the (lack of) accuracy of a @C01030@; comprises the @I02991@ and the @M03796@. Inaccuracy must be viewed as a two-component quantity (vector); imprecision and @M03796@ should never be combined to give a scalar measure for chemical measurement process inaccuracy. (One or the other component may, however, be negligible under certain circumstances.) Inaccuracy should not be confused with uncertainty. Inaccuracy (imprecision, @M03796@) is characteristic of the measurement process, whereas error and uncertainty are characteristics of a result. (The latter characteristic, of course, derives from the imprecision and bounds for @M03796@ of the chemical measurement process.)
The resultant @M03796@ and imprecision for the overall measurement process generally arise from several individual components, some of which act multiplicatively (e.g. @S05606@), and some of which act additively (e.g. the blank).
PAC, 1989, 61, 1657. (Nomenclature for automated and mechanised analysis (Recommendations 1989)) on page 1663 [Terms] [Paper]
PAC, 1995, 67, 1699. (Nomenclature in evaluation of analytical methods including detection and quantification capabilities (IUPAC Recommendations 1995)) on page 1706 [Terms] [Paper]