graphite whiskers 

Also contains definition of: carbon whiskers
Thin, approximately cylindrical filaments in which graphene layers are arranged in a scroll-like manner. There is, at least in part, a regular stacking of the layers as in the graphite lattice, giving rise to h,k,l, X-ray reflections. The physical properties of graphite whiskers approach, along the cylinder axis, those of graphite.
If there is, due to misalignment of the layers caused by their bending, no three-dimensional stacking order as in @G02684@, the term carbon whiskers should be used. @G02684-1@ whiskers and carbon whiskers should be distinguished from more disordered @F02362@.
PAC, 1995, 67, 473. 'Recommended terminology for the description of carbon as a solid (IUPAC Recommendations 1995)' on page 492 (