catalytic current
The @F02321@ that is obtained with a solution containing two substances B and A may exceed the sum of the faradaic currents that would be obtained with B and A separately, but at the same concentrations and under the same experimental conditions. In either of the two following situations the increase is termed a catalytic current. B is reduced or oxidized at the electrode-solution @I03082@ to give a product B' that then reduces or oxidizes A chemically. The reaction of B with A may yield either B or an intermediate in the overall half-reaction by which B' was obtained from B. In this situation the increase of current that results from the addition of A to a solution of B may be termed a regeneration current. The presence at the electrode-solution @I03082@ of one substance, which may be either A or the product A' of its reduction or @O04362@, decreases the over-potential for the reduction or @O04362@ of B. In either case the magnitude of the catalytic current depends on the @A00424@. If the current observed with a mixture of A and B is smaller than the sum of the separate currents, the term non-@A00134@ current should be used.
PAC, 1985, 57, 1491. (Recommended terms, symbols, and definitions for electroanalytical chemistry (Recommendations 1985)) on page 1494 [Terms] [Paper]