material homogeneity
Uniform structure or composition of a material with respect to one or more specified properties.
  1. A material is said to be homogeneous with respect to a specified quantity if the quantity values measured using aliquots of a specified size do not fall outside a specified interval. See minimum sample size.
  2. In the homogeneity study of a candidate reference material, it is distinguished whether the analytical samples are taken from different supply units or from a single supply unit ("termed between-bottle homogeneity" or "within-bottle homogeneity", respectively).
  3. Inhomogeneity is a source of measurement uncertainty.
  4. Detailed guidance for the assessment of homogeneity of reference materials is given in ISO Guide 35.
PAC, 2021, 93, 997. (Metrological and quality concepts in analytical chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2021)) on page 1009 [Terms] [Paper]